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August Letter from the Chair of District / Superintendent

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rev dr janet corlett

Greetings and Blessings of Encouragement!


When I was small, my nick-name was 'Chimmy' (don't ask); later I was called Paddington(after the bear). In Honduras they called me 'La Vikinga'. I wonder what nickname you would choose for yourself?
I would like the nickname the apostles gave to Joseph of Cyprus: Barnabas(which means 'son of encouragement') Acts 4:35-37. It is so easy to be critical. Even when something has gone really well, it is often the small mishaps or mistakes or misunderstandings that we remember and sometimes dwell on. The letter of Paul, Silvanus,  and Timothy to the Thessalonians twice says 'encourage one another!' 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 includes this encouragement: rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.

Synod – 16th September 2023 @ Port St Mary

Synod will take up this theme of encouragement as we share Good News stories from around the Island and create a 'Good News Prayer Map'. We will also be welcoming Simon Sutcliffe (Learning & Development Officer – NW & Mann Region) and launching our first 'Church at the Margins'. Everyone is invited! A lovely lunch is being planned – and we will need numbers (and dietary requirements) collected by each church and passed on to Rosemary Cooil please.

Lay Leadership

It is encouraging to see new Local Preachers coming forward for training – and developing lay leadership in many churches. We are extremely pleased, excited and encouraged to be able to invite you to the LP Accreditation Service for Louise Whitelegg which will be 'outdoors' at Sulby at 2pm on 10th September.


Contrary to rumours that seem to be spreading – it is not my desire nor my role to close chapels. We all need encouragement to discern God's calling for our local area and faith to take risks in doing new things. If your chapel has a missional presence, and a desire to share Good News then, even if you are struggling a bit with the assessment, please invite me to come to your chapel to discuss ways the District can support mission and outreach. And come to Synod to hear stories of change and growth from other chapels.

If you've read to the bottom of this letter – well done! Write me a little email of encouragement so I know someone is reading the Plan letter!

Grace and peace


Get In Touch

District Administrator
Charlton Krentz

01624 625408

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