The Methodist Church in The Isle of Man is a single circuit consisting of 31 chapels with approx. 1,000 members. We are also a Methodist District in our own right which is very much in keeping with the island's status.
The Island is a Crown dependency of the UK and as such is independent in terms of legislation, taxation, etc. The island is 33 miles long by 13 miles wide with a population of 85,000.
The Methodist Church has a long and proud tradition on the island and is seeking to build on this for the future. We have a full range of chapel communities ranging from the large congregations in Douglas, the island's capital, to numerous small chapels in hamlets and villages across the island.
There is exciting work being done in our community project at Manor Ark Pulrose and through prayer project at Ballagarey.
We are also developing Messy Church in a number of places and work closely with Scripture Union Ministries Trust to deliver schools work in most of the islands schools.
We have a full time staff of three ministers, three ministers at 75% time, three active supernumeraries and a Children and Family Worker.
We believe strongly in the ministry of the whole people of God and in this largely rural context could not thrive without the hard working members of every congregation.
District Administrator
Charlton Krentz