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Covenant Services 2017

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A Covenant with God
I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to what you will,
rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing,
put me to suffering;
let me be employed for you,
or laid aside for you,
exalted for you,
or brought low for you;
let me be full,
let me be empty,
let me have all things,
let me have nothing:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal.
And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours. So be it.
And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.'

Download a study guide on the Methodist Covenant Prayer.

1st January
10.30am Peel US
10.30am Port St Mary US

8th January
10.15am Union Mills
10.30am Castletown
10.30am Onchan
10.30am Port Erin
10.30am Promenade US
10.45am Ramsey US
2.30pm Ballakilpheric
3.00pm Agneash
6.30pm Cooil
6.30pm Kerrowkeil

13th January
7.30pm Peel, Circuit Covenant Service with Dr Anthony Reddie

15th January
10.15am Kirk Michael
10.30am Colby
11.00am Baldrine
11.00am Laxey
6.30pm Ballabeg
6.30pm Pulrose

22nd January
2.30pm Orrisdale

29th January
6.30pm Ballagarey

Get In Touch

District Administrator
Charlton Krentz

01624 625408

Circuit Map

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