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Bonds of Perfect Charity

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Bonds of perfect charity

How Action for Children brings fullness in abundance

Our work, which comes in truly various forms, reaches children and young people across the UK. It is, therefore,quite challenging to convey in a few word show we make a real difference. However, a closer look at just one of our almost 600 services can do just that.

Tafarn Newydd Children & Families Service,based in Pontypool, Wales, supports disabled children. During the week, children with Autism, aged up to four years old, can play, learn and develop in a safe and happy environment, with multi-agency support tailored towards their specific needs.

An after-school club is available to reduce the risk of family breakdown by providing regular short breaks. It offers disabled children, aged from four to eighteen, chances to integrate with the local community through fun activities of their choice.

During weekends, the service runs Saturday short breaks for children,aged from 8 to 18, with a diagnosed or emerging diagnosis of a range of disabilities. Here, we support children to increase their social independence and access community activities.

While these initiatives operate, parents and carers can have a regular break, or do the crucial things that are essential,but sometimes made very difficult with a child with additional needs, such as grocery shopping.

You can learn more about what we do and how we do it through special events like Action for Children Sunday. This year, the annual occasion takes place on Sunday 8 July – some churches may mark it on another Sunday before or after that. The generous offerings from these special worship services go towards helping more children and families, whatever their needs.

Thank you for your support and generosity to Action for Children.

Dean Pettipher

Methodist Talent and Communications Intern, Action for Children

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Charlton Krentz

01624 625408

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